Best 5 Cydia Sources for cracked apps

Did you customize your iPhone with jailbreak? If you did not jailbroken your device yet, now you can be an owner of the jailbroken idevice using pangu jailbreak. In nearly day Pangu team released Pangu9 to jailbreak iOS 9 – iOS 9.0.2. Most apple devices opt to jailbreak their idevices to get cracked apps, tweaks, games, themes, mods and lot more freely. Anyway, if you have already cydia installed iPhone, just you should know about top and exclusive cydia sources that you can add to your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.

top cydia sources

HackYouriPhone Source – This is the one of the most popular source for providing so many cracked apps for cydia tweaks. It brings thousands of useful cracked apps from the apple store. If you have chosen to download HackYouriPhone source for your device, then simply open the cydia > go to manage sources and input the URL :

Insanelyi Repo – Insanelyi is the another most popular cracked repo and brings new scripts, tweaks and themes. Usually, it provides lots of games, tweaks, cracked apps, themes and lots of similar things. Open the cydia and go to the Manage Sources and enter this URL : to download the Insanelyi repo on your iPhone.

SiNfuL iPhone Repo – This is my next choice for cydia source. We can call it as all in one packed cracked repo. It is very popular source for many attractive cracked tweaks. If you enter to this repo, you will find lots of cracked cydia tweaks, apps, themes and more. is their URL and type it on the Manage source tab in Cydia to download it on your device.

BiteYourApple Repo – This is a famous repo and it offer beautify themes, tweaks, different kinds of ringtones and other similar stuffs. Launch Cydia and go to the Manage Sources and enter this repo address : to download it for your iPhone.

FilippoBiga Repo – This is can find among the other best cydia sources. You will find number of exciting apps to customize your device with changing app icons, folders, carrier logo, lock screen, status bar, battery status bar and more. Download it on your device using above method. URL :

Now we have listed best cydia sources. Leave your experience on our comment section.

Best 5 Cydia Sources for cracked apps